Thursday, October 24, 2013

How To Study In Egypt

Al-Azhar University

How To Study In Egypt | Many are interested to study in Egypt , but might not know how . Ustaz Abdul Halim share some of the steps to study in Egypt :

1 . The best place to study Islamic studies in Egypt is at Al-Azhar University . Now studying at language centers , Dirasat Khassah and the other is to strengthen the Arabic one , but eventually he should be trying to get Al- Azhar University . This is because not only Al - Azhar university one of the leading Islamic studies in the world, but it is located in Egypt , the center of Islamic struggle and movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. , to combine the student there between Islamic knowledge and understanding and passion struggle .

2 . One can not enter Al-Azhar University but after a STAM certificate .

3 . Almost in every state in Malaysia are Islamic religious schools that offer STAM examination for the interested. Please contact the office of religion in their respective states . Or contact the Akademi Ikatan Muslimin (AIM ) , Ipoh .

4 . Al-Azhar University does not accept  admission to Post Graduate ( Masters and PhD) sir madam with a bachelor's degree from the university arbitrary mention other areas of Islamic Studies Arabic .

5 . Once you have the STAM certificate , please contact Ustaz Fauzi Asmuni ( 012-634 9066 ) for both departures to Egypt in July of each year .

6 . Those who want to enter the study of Medicine ( Medicine) in Egypt , please contact Dr . Rashid Zainur 012-678 1644 .

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Should Medicine Be My Choice?

Medicine, Doctor, Medic

Should Medicine Be My Choice?

Medicine | Who is suitable to study medicine ? You feel you fit ? What is it like taking medicine. God willing , I will try to render whatever capacity to answer to this question based on my experience.
The medical field is very different from other disciplines . Put simply, it requires understanding and brain power to memorize not like math much needed understanding .

For SPM , this feeling can be felt when studying biology , but what you are moving in High School Biology is very basic and represent less than 5 percent of medical knowledge itself.

Therefore, medical education requires a strong and sustained effort . They say you do not have to be too smart to take the medicine, but you need to work hard to be successful in the medical field . Advice is often repeated by the lecturer after the expiration of the lecture is to review the day 's lesson tonight, and do not let a day pass without studying .

The medical field is also known as a " life-long learning " . This is because medical science is knowledge of the constantly evolving and new discoveries are always found time to time and if you are not alert, you will be left behind .

Medicine Mental Block

Finally, the most important characteristics for a person who wants to be a doctor is to be courageous. You know the term " mental block " ? It 's ahead by most of the doctors first patient in the treatment of morbid conditions or dissect patients. This is the life of a doctor , you're busy with " on-call " , you are preoccupied with the diseases and dirt, and you should be friendly to interact with various kinds of people .

Welcome To Medicine Field

If you are able to cope with all of this , please. WELCOME . I welcome you into this field . One of the advantages that made me very interested in this field is my chance to interact with humans and thus preach to them . Yes, Medicine is my choice/ How about you?

Share Should Medicine Be My Choice? if you think is benificial to others.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Is it Difficult Studying Medicine in Egypt?

Study In Egypt, Medicine in Egypt

Medicine in Egypt | In general , Universities in Egypt provides medicine learning in the field of conventional systems . Roughly , this means students will learn medicine here by  " A to Z " . Unlike in modern  countries that provide “problem-based learning” system that more interesting and concise , the conventional system of learning in Egypt more focused on theoretical aspects devote more practical aspects . So, no wonder medicine student from Egypt said more steady in  theory and according to be ' diagnostician ' .

For learning system , every year we have only two semesters separated by a winter break vacation for two weeks . Lectures usually begins in mid- 9 and ending on the early of July . Thus, you may get less time off over two and a half months before the new year begins .

So , with regard marking system anyway , I 'll tell it to you indulge Kaherah Universiti because for some university such as Universiti Alexandria , the practice of ' integrated -system ' that has different  marking modules and systems.

For marking system , marks division mostly concentrated to the end of the semester exam which included in practical , written and oral . And a number of marks unassigned to mid-year exam.( end of semester one ) . And many small marks unassigned for small quizzes and paperwork .

Study In Egypt, Medicine in Egypt
Our Practical Session
However , for a number of quiz and paperwork, it depends on subjects . Usually, the quiz is as much as 2 or 3 times a year and paper work once or gone directly . Thus, you may conclude here learning more devote to the class ' lecture ' and at the end of the year , you will facing  with exams that take many marks . It's that easy Medicine in Egypt.

The surplus , you will have a lot of leisure time. The downside, if you are not a clever enough to take care of yourself, you will waste time , skip class attendance is not mistaken for many , and if you do not master learning for exam should all end , you are likely to fail you indulge the marks that much . Do you want to study Medicine in Egypt?

Sunday, October 6, 2013

What's up with October 6 ?

Rabaah, R4bia, 6 October, Egypt, Rabaah, R4bia, Morsi, Revolusi Mesir

Greetings .

Today is October 6 .
I think all Muslims must and have to know this case

What's up with October 6 ?


- The war between the armies of Egypt and the Zionist forces ( also known as the Yom Kippur War among them )

- War also known as the Ramadan War has taken the spirit of Badr in order to recapture the Suez Canal and the Sinai Peninsula along the 15km colonies and destroy the alleged Israeli fortifications fortress.


- Anwar Sadat ( President of Egypt ) had signed the Camp David after accepting an invitation to speak briefly in Palestine.

" Israel be given the right of free passage through the Suez Canal and its openings in the Suez Gulf , the Mediterranean , the Straits of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba . "

- This creates a feeling of angry people and the Arab people . After Sadat was doing the arrest of those massive IM


- Anwar was shot dead as he lifted his head was amazed to see the glide plane is noted on the day of remembering the events of October 6 ( may He said kind of independence day - there are parades all that )

- Lieutenant Khaled Islambouli granede throw to a target platform dignitaries and Sadat died suddenly at the age of 63 there .


- What will happen today?

- Is there a potential second Islambouli able to claim back the freedom as before ?

- Is it possible Al- Sisi was ready to respond back with a more severe on the demonstration of the Egyptian people today?

Let's pray for 6 October!